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American’s Mental Health Crisis: Where Do We Stand as a Nation?

90% of Americans believe there is a mental health crisis, according to a recent survey conducted by CNN and the Kaiser Family Foundation. Nearly 50% of those who believe there is a crisis also noted there was a severe mental health crisis in their own families.1

The survey goes further to ask each respondent what factors they think have contributed to this growing crisis. A majority state that the opioid epidemic, mental health issues in children and teens, and severe mental illness in adults are among the most prominent factors. Anxiety and depression in adults was only viewed as a problem, rather than a crisis.

Although the survey reflects a growing need for behavioral health treatment for children, teens and adults, the survey highlighted that many don’t have access to receive prompt and effective treatment. This lack of access can be attributed to a multitude of barriers. Respondents specifically note the following as major barriers to receiving behavioral health treatment for themselves or their loved ones:2

  • 55% state there is not enough mental health providers
  • 62% are afraid of the stigma attached to having a behavioral health issue
  • 80% note the high cost of receiving mental health care
  • 63% say there is not enough mental health providers who take insurance

In addition to these healthcare barriers, there are also various personal barriers hindering individuals from receiving behavioral health treatment, including personal finances and relationships, as well as respondents not feeling comfortable talking to loved ones about their mental health issues due to being viewed as a burden or an overall lack of understanding.

Fortunately, as education around behavioral health continues to rise, more individuals are seeking treatment (nearly 50% of respondents in the past 12 months) both in person and through telehealth services.2

This growth has allowed hospitals the opportunity to integrate behavioral health programs into their existing operations, enabling patients to receive treatment in the same setting they receive all other forms of care. This integration not only expands critical care access to local community members, but it allows patients who are already receiving treatment for an injury or illness to also receive behavioral health treatment that could ultimately benefit them in their recovery.

Although we as a nation are heading in the right direction in terms of improving behavioral health education and acceptance, there is still much progress to be made for increasing care access and affordability for all those in need of treatment.

To learn how your hospital and local community can benefit from behavioral health program integration or expansion, contact us today.


  1. McPhillips, D. (2022, October 5). 90% of US adults say the United States is experiencing a mental health crisis, CNN/KFF poll finds. CNN. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from
  2. Advisory Board. (2022, October 7). The US' growing mental health crisis, in 6 charts. Advisory Board. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from

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